Palm Sunday, 2023

The Things that Make for Peace
Collaborative art by Kateri Gill & Jacob Rowan
Mixed media drawing on paper

“Much is your reading, but not the Word of GOD ,
Much is your building, but not the House of GOD .
Will you build me a house of plaster, with corrugated roofing,
To be filled with a litter of Sunday newspapers?”
—T.S. Eliot, Choruses from the Rock

‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’ For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”
— Matthew 9:13

In this piece architecture and nature, palm fronds and city gates, verdant green and vibrant crimson are all woven together. Jacob has drawn a seemingly ever rising structure along with radiating shapes suggesting sound or another dimension of space and time. This is juxtaposed with Kateri's organic improvisation of line, shape, and color.


Maundy Thursday, 2023


Narthex Artworks